2024 News

Text Box: Henley and District Philatelic Society
Janet & Nick Nelson presentation on “Brazil” 
9th October 2024

Ian welcomed the 20 members and guests attending for the presentation on “Brazil”.  Proceedings were enlivened by all receiving a welcoming glass of Caipirinha, based on Cachaça, which is Brazil’s national spirit drink, made from distilled fermented sugarcane juice.  Ian gave an update on several members health, sadly preventing their attendance.  A very warm welcome was given to 2 new members attending for the first time: Jean Pierre De La Rey, who is happy to be called JP, and David Smith, who has also attended nearby Maidenhead Philatelic society.  All members look forward to getting to know them and their collecting interests.  Forthcoming events include a members’ Zoom presentation on 30th October.
Janet & Nick Nelson were welcomed as joint guest presenters on the subject of Brazil.  We learnt that in 1843, Brazil was the second country in the world, after Great Britain, to issue postage stamps valid within the entire country (as opposed to a local issue).  Like Great Britain's first stamps, the design does not include the country name.  This first issue is known as "Bull's Eyes" due to their distinctive appearance.  The next year 1844 saw a similar issue but with slanted numeral series, known as “Snake’s eyes”.  In 1850 a set of vertical numbered stamps was issued, with “Goat’s Eyes” and “Cat’s Eyes” as their slang names.  Finally, the series came to an end in 1854 with the “Coloured” issue.   We learnt from Janet that this entire series has become very popular, with many collectible errors and variations, despite its apparent boring appearance.
In 1866 the Emperor Pedro 11 was depicted and remained on all issues until 1884, first with a black beard, then speckled beard until ending up with a white beard, due to a combination of the strain of office as well as simply growing older.  1878 saw the introduction of 2 colours Green and Gold, Brazil’s national colour scheme.  This period is also of great interest to collectors because of the introduction of varying perforations, different papers and watermarks.  A slight difference to the Emperor’s head size in 1881 created what was known as the “Small Head” and “Large Head” issues.  Emperor Pedro 11’s reign came to a sad end in 1888, when he was deposed due to his attempts to abolish slavery, fighting the vested interests that wished to retain the economic advantages of slave labour. 
The new Republic issued stamps in 1888  bearing “E. U. Du Brazil” (United States of Brazil) and depicting the Southern Cross.  Nick showed a rare example of an early version of this stamp, prepared for use, but not issued, bearing only “Brazil”.  Apparently, all copies were burnt, but obviously this is not the case, with 12 copies now known to be in existence!  Janet then introduced the “Liberty” series of stamps, with popular Republic images of Sugarloaf Mountain and Liberty Heads.  Over 6 types of paper and a wide variety of perforation sizes also make this a very collectible period.  Janet explained that perforations were to be found ranging from 5.5 up to an incredible 48!
The early 1900’s began with a series of stamps featuring recent Presidents, some of whom were noted for notorious, rather than honourable behaviour, whilst in office.  On 12th November 1906, a stamp was issued to show Santos-Dumont’s aircraft in flight.  He was awarded a prize for flying a “heavier than air” craft over 100 meters, competing with the Wright Brothers for pioneering air flights.  
Janet then labelled a beautiful series of Trade and Industry stamps 1918-1920 depicting a young girl labouring over a wide variety of occupations as the “Granny” series.  She explained that 4 perforations sizes, 12 versions of watermark, 7 designs and 6 different types of paper contributed to making this a collector’s paradise.  Nick further explained that the watermark options included pairs of stamps where one had a watermark, but due to its uneven spacing, its pair did not show the watermark, further adding to its complexity.
Nick showed an overprinted “Servico Aereo” 500 RS Airmail 1927 stamp depicting Marechal Hermes as a unique item, when they bought at auction recently for a fine price, only for a 2nd copy to be found in a dealer’s stocks several months afterwards!
Janet reintroduced the concept of a Trade and Industry series of stamps which was re-issued in 1940 with 9 designs, 6 watermarks and 4 different papers, again featuring young women in work related postures, christened, “Granddaughters“ in reference to the earlier “Granny” series.
The period 1950 to late 1990’s was characterised by Janet to be rather boring in its design of definitive issues, but very exciting with commemoratives, breaking new ground in their outstanding artwork.  Pride of place was given to the stamps depicting the new capital Brasilia in 1960, where the outlying shape of a dove encircled the street map plan of the new capital, built over 5 years in a remote location 200 kilometres from the nearest paved road.  
High levels of inflation wrecked the Brazilian economy in the late 1990’s, resulting in every changing values on definitive stamps, making stamp collecting every issue even more difficult.  2001 onwards saw a return to highly creative stamp designs, including the trend for personalised stamp issues and the unusual introduction of “Wavy lines” instead of the traditional straight lines of perforations.  Equally innovative was Brazil’s partnership with over 100 countries with whom it has diplomatic relations by issuing successive pairs of stamps between 2 nations, with the example of France and Brazil displayed.
Nick explained that Brazil’s large size and remote countryside meant that most internal mail required domestic air travel to transport the post.  Unusually, the main 3 airways were entitled to issue their own stamps to charge for internal airmail, including Syndicata Condor and VARIG.  Examples of Deutsche Luftschiffbau Zeppelin mail between USA, Germany and Brazil were of great interest.
The fascinating presentation on Brazil reached towards its conclusion with a series of stamps from 1800’s on territories that had been once included in the country, but were now absorbed elsewhere, including Amozonie, Counani and Trinidad Island. 
Ian thanked Nick & Janet for providing such an entertaining and informative display on a subject that was so massive that “we have had to canter through at great speed”.  Fittingly, he presented bottles of Portuguese wine, which were much appreciated.
Members’ Display on “Letter T” 
25th September 2024
Ian welcomed the 9 members who had braved inclement Autumn weather to present displays on the letter “T”. Apologies were given for 4 members who were unable to join the evening. Ian gave details of forthcoming events, including:
9 October - Janet and Nick Nelson presenting on ”Brazil”- All welcome to bring friends
23 October - Members’ PowerPoint Evening
30th October - Zoom meeting – Brian kindly volunteered to host with his 40 mins + licence
Simon advised that forthcoming Zoom meetings for The Royal Philatelic Society are available for non-members to join via a simple registration process, Anne will be asked to circulate
Malcolm advised that an all-day Regional Meeting of the Thames Valley Region of the RPSL will be held on Sunday 13th October at Banbury Cricket Club, The Pavilion, Whitepost Road, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4BN, 10am to 4.30pm. Organised jointly with the Thames Valley Philatelic Federation, everyone is welcome. Fellows, members and guests are invited to present 9-,18- or 27-sheet displays on a subject of their choice
Our Society Auction in Spring 2025- Malcolm is optimistic about the quantity of items for sale
Ian started his display describing the Argentine Tango; the national dance fusing passionate and melancholy music. It originated in the 1880’s from the bordellos of Buenos Aires and has since spread to all the fashionable drawing rooms and dance halls world -wide. Ian displayed a carnet of Argentine stamps depicting popular dance styles including the Tango. Successive stamps illustrating the Tango’s musical heritage included:
The Bandoneón musical instrument, a type of concertina. 
Famous Argentine tango musicians Aníbal Carmelo Troilo, known as Pichuco, and Astor Pantaleón Piazzolla
Carlos Gardel, who was perhaps the most prominent Argentinian Tango singer, composer and film star actor. He was actually born in France, then claimed his birthplace was Uruguay, before finally obtaining Argentinian citizenship!
Ian finished his display with the famous picture from the 1937 movie, “Way Out West” of Laurel and Hardy dancing the Tango together
Terry began by giving thanks to the late Dave Armit, who once gave him a telegraph stamp from Austria, sparking off his deep interest in all telegraph issues worldwide. Terry explained that during the period 1860‘s in the UK, approximately 10 private Telegraph companies set up operations, often in partnership with the private railway companies, utilising the growing network Victorian railway lines to lay cables between cities. The railway companies also used the telegraph system themselves to help control their rail services.   He gave an example of the early use of stamps to pay for telegraph usage by South Eastern Railways dating from September 1860. Other private Telegraph companies’ stamps shown included Bonelli’s Electric Telegraph Co 1860, The Universal Private Telegraph Co 1861, London District Telegraph Co 1862, United Kingdom Electric Telegraph Co 1862. 
The Post Office nationalised all private telegraph operations in 1870, partly because the rapid rise in telegraph usage was damaging postal services. The cost was initially £7m, soon rising to £10m, a very large sum at the time. Initially, the Post Office operated telegrams without using stamps to depict revenues, but in 1876 a series of stamps were introduced to help regulate income until 1881, when no more stamps were issued. Terry displayed all the Post Office telegraph values, including a £5 stamp which was actually a forgery! The display ended with examples of Telephone stamps from 1884 to 1900, where 3 private companies had grouped together to form the National Telephone Company, offering the public the opportunity to use their coaxial cables service with pre-paid telephone stamps. Again, the Post Office was opposed to their use, restricting its growth until 1911 when all telephone services were also privatised at the cost of £12.5m!
Simon then gave a fascinating display of early Trinidad Britanna stamps, explaining that although the Trinidad Authorities planned to use postage stamps in 1849, they initially wanted the UK Government to pay all costs, resulting in a long delay and disappointment. This famous Britannia design was painted by water colour artist, Edward Henry Corbould, and the Die engraver was Charles Henry Jeens, creating an attractive design to be shared by the 3 colonies of Trinidad, Barbados and Mauritius
The first stamps were printed by Perkins Bacon 1851 -1856 on blued paper imperforate, and then 1854 -1857 on white paper, with examples showing the wide variation in colours Blue, Brown, Lilac, Grey, Red, Green, Indigo. Simon explained that these early stamps had no values printed on them! Subsequent issues 1852 to 1859 were lithographed locally in Trinidad, again without values.   
The period 1859 to 1883 saw the switch of printers between Perkins Bacon & De La Rue, as well as the   introduction of values: 1d, 4d, 6d, 1s (½ d Provisionals). Perforations, including pin pricks, had many perf sizes incl 11½, 12, 12½,13, 13½,14,14x12½, 14x16½. An added layer of complexity was watermarks: None, Crown CC, Crown CA. Finally, Simon explained that the Tropical conditions helped to partly explain the wide variation of colours. The later period 1870 to 1880 also gave rise to overprinted surcharges All these factors explain why specialist collectors seek to find errors and rarities within the Trinidad Brittania era.    
Steve selected Tønsberg in Norway as his subject for the letter “T”. Tønsberg is considered the oldest town in Norway, celebrating its one-thousandth anniversary in 1871 and its 1100th anniversary in 1971. Steve’s earliest stamps shown were postmarked “Tønsberg” 1855 and 1856, with examples on cover from 1859. The Town’s first stamps depicting castles, issued 1884, were displayed with values 3 ore, 5 ore and 10 ore, including a very rare full sheet of mint 1 ore. Steve also showed a cancellation numbered 317, which identified that it was Tønsberg. Finally, Steve showed a beautiful first day cover with a set of “by -post” stamps celebrating the 1100th anniversary of the City of Tønsberg dated 1971.
Brian showed Trams and Trolleybuses on postcards from South Wales, beginning with examples of Cardiff single decker trams. He explained that there was a low bridge near the route to Cardiff docks, which accounted for the very unusual picture of a double decker tram with a low-slung chassis and a sloping roof, where the upper floor walkway was at a lower level than the seated area. This meant that the upper deck passengers had to crouch when rising from their seats to leave the tram! Examples of Trolley buses were shown, which slowly began to replace the original trams. Brian then showed trams in Swansea and explained how the Swansea and Mumbles railway operated the world's first passenger horsecar railway service. The subsequent introduction of steam engines and legal disputes gave rise to the unusual sight of passenger steam trains being followed along the tracks by horse drawn trams! 1929 saw the electrification of the line, with trams replaced by double decker electric passenger rail cars. 
Brian ended his display with a record of the days revenues from 17th Nov 1896 for the Wantage Tramway Company. It owned a two-mile tramway that carried passengers and freight between the Oxfordshire town of Wantage and Wantage Road Station on the Great Western Main Line between 1873 and 1925. For the record, the day’s takings were £1, 19 shillings and 8d!
Malcolm’s “T” stood for Travelling Post Offices (TPO) in Sarawak, dating from 1970’s when a more extensive network of roads were first built. A fleet of red Bedford vans were procured to cover 15+ routes, starting with:
TPO 1 was first used in Kuching on 07 October 1963. Old exhibition notes stated that the area covered were Kuching to Serian Road until the Serian Post Office, Padawan Road up to Tiang Bukap.
And ending with
TPO 15, which was started on 12 May 1980 in Lawas and covered Lawas to Trusan, Kampong Punang, Long Sebangang and Karanggang
Malcolm’s display showed a wide variety of TPO mail on cover, including the use of skeleton cancellations. He gave the example of theft of cash, stamps and handstamps from a vehicle whilst left unattended, resulting in emergency use of skeleton cancellations! Malcolm showed a picture of a rusting TPO van, simply abandoned near Bau post office. Fortunately, a new fleet of 2-way satellite enabled TPO vans have now been introduced, called “POS -on Wheels”. This new system enables local residents to conduct internet operations, including banking as well as access all postal services 
Edward was very creative with his interpretation of the letter “T”. He started with a display of Imperial Austrian Monarchs, including the popular Empress of Austria, Maria Theresa. Next, a First Day cover depicted Professor Dr. Eric Tschermak-Seysenegg, who was a famous Agrominist (expert in the study of soil management and crop development). Stamps commemorating 150th anniversary of Linz National Theatre in 1953 were followed by commemoratives of a century of Moding-Hinterbruhl electric Trams from 1982. Tennis was celebrated with FDC 1952 Davis cup between Austria and Algeria. 1981 saw the centenary stamp celebrating 100 Jahe Telephonie in Osterreich. Edward finished his imaginative display with the 1973 stamp celebrating The 100th Anniversary of the Vienna Trotting Association!
Ian concluded the evening’s presentation by once again acknowledging the amazing width and depth of the materials displayed from all the members, which had helped to create a very enjoyable evening. 

Members’ Display on “New Acquisitions” 
11th September 2024
Steve welcomed the 8 members gathered to present on the theme of “New Acquisitions”.   A warm welcome was given to Jill and Brian attending, after Jill’s lengthy period of illness.  Anne gave a short introduction to this new season’s programme, with many interesting speakers, including Janet & Nick speaking about Brazil on Oct 9th, where all are invited to brings friends.  The next meeting will be on 25th September with members presenting on the letter “T”.
Malcolm began the evening’s presentations by describing his deep interest in post cards and picture postcards.  He explained that the growth of tourism in Europe in the late 1800’s fuelled the sending postcards back home to relatives.  By 1897-8, this practice had spread through the European colonial territories as well as Turkey, Levant and the Holy Land. Malcolm was inspired to seek out the earliest examples, including the Netherlands Dutch Indies, which was an early adopter.  Examples were shown from October 1898 Illustrated postcard of Palais Oranje, Nassau and 18th November 1898 of the Padang River.  Malcolm then showed how the noted photographer G R Lambert, from Dresden, developed the first commercial photographic practice in Singapore in the late 1880’s.  His pictures of the region were soon commercialised into picture postcards, helping promote interest in the region.  Malcolm’s examples included divided backs.  He explained that originally picture postcards had a picture on one side and the address on the reverse.  The introduction of divided backs in 1902 meant that a message and the address could be written on the reverse, increasing its popularity.
Terry then gave a display of based on Exhibitions, starting with the 100 year centenary of the first British commemorative stamps issued in 1924 for the British Empire Exhibition held in Wembley, known as the “Wembley” Stamp, featuring the Lion and the King.  Unlike previous exhibition stamps, these commemoratives were also postage stamps, with 2 values Red 1d and Brown 1 ½ d.  The exhibition finished the following year, when these stamps were simply republished in the same 2 values with the new date 1925.  Terry also showed the example of the Lloyds Bank Cinderella stamp label promoting the exhibition which has no “postal” value.  4 colours were produced Blue, Red, Green and Purple.  However, a Lloyds director disliked the purple and it was not distributed widely, making it very collectible.  Terry then showed examples of European exhibition “Ausstelling” Cinderella stamps from the period 1890 to 1914, including Stuttgart 1896, Geneve 1896, Dresden 1898, Berlin 1898, Nuremberg 1906, Munich 1908, Leipzig 1909 and Heidelberg 1912.  These striking cultural styles included the transition from Art Nouveau to Art Deco periods.  All examples shown were in mint condition because they had no postal value.  Malcolm helpfully suggested that Terry also start collecting them on cover, when accompanied by postage stamps!
Steve followed up the concept of stamp labels by showing Norwegian  post being returned to sender from the period 1872 -1880’s with 2 different colour labels not requiring a value: Rose-Lilac and Blue Green.  They were printed by lithography in sheets of 100, probably designed by P Peterson, Christiania.  Examples were shown on cover, with the envelopes marked “Retour”.  Steve also showed fascinating examples of postal stamps being produced by Latvia in 1918 upon gaining independence from Russia.  Due to acute shortage of paper, the first stamps were printed on the reverse of German military maps.  Subsequent stamp issues included printing on the reverse of unfinished bank notes, which were worthless due to hyper-inflation.  Steve showed examples of mint stamps printed on the reverse of Bolshevik and Green Western Army bank notes.  The fascinating display finished with an example on cover of airmail stamps sent from Riga to Prague in July 1924.
Brian showed his musical love of opera with 2 examples of stamps featuring famous Opera Houses.  On 27th September 1884, the Budapest Opera house was opened, with Brian showing beautiful stamps on cover promoting the event as well as a detailed plan of its interior, including one of the first examples of hydraulic lifts to change staging.  Sadly, the building suffered badly during WW11, as did large parts of Budapest and after many years of neglect, was rebuilt to open again on 27th September 1984, exactly 100 years after it first opened!  Brian then gave the tale of the Opera House in Valletta, Malta, opened on 1867 but shortly to be damaged by fire, requiring restoration.  German bombing in 1942 completely destroyed it and due to lack of funds was never restored. Nowadays, Pjazza Teatru Rjal is a delightful open-air theatre space on the grounds of the original Opera House. Brian showed an example of an Opera House souvenir postcard with postage stamp franked but with no message on reverse.  Malcolm explained that serious post card collectors had the habit of posting postcards to likeminded collectors, using a code instead of a message, thus enabling the card to be posted at a lower printed matter rate.
Anne introduced recent acquisitions to enhance her Thematic Gold presentation.  She was interested in linking Gold to its use as currency.  An example was shown of a registered cover posted at the Goldsmiths Hall in Hanau, Germany from 18-10-1942, bearing the German Goldsmiths cost of Arms.  She explained that the first Goldsmiths issued banknotes in paper to the value of gold held on deposit, thus creating the first banknotes, using what became known as the Gold Standard.  Of equal interest was a stamp featuring Francesco Tasso, who founded the Thurn & Taxis postal system used by Merchant Bankers throughout Europe to conduct business via trading instructions and transfers of currency and gold.  Another recent acquisition was a wrapper carrying 1,200 ounces of gold with a covering payment of 149 pfennigs, bearing an imperial seal on the reverse.  Anne finished her fascinating display by explaining how gold can be hammered into leaf gold, suitable for decoration inside and outside buildings, with examples of Golden Temples in Thailand and Austria 
Mike produced a very comprehensive display of postmarks from the Austrian Levant region, including the town of Prevesa on the Ionian Sea of Thessaly, now in Greece.  Cancellation examples included an envelope dated November 1869 from Prevesa to Corfu paid to destination with local Greek stamps added to pay domestic postage.  Valpna, (now called Viore) is an Albanian port which was originally in Greece, then fell into Ottoman occupation 1417 to 1912.  Very rare cancelations were displayed.  Another example was the trading town of Sajda, (now called Saglada) from what was Greece and is now on the Albanian border.  Hand stamps dating 1890 to 1910 were displayed.  The port of Parga is now in Greek Epirus after long periods of Venetian and then Ottoman control.  Only a few examples exist of the local Lloyds Agency cancelling mail, with the carrier ship then adding its own seal, as displayed.  Mike showed the “bible” for this period- “Austrian Post Offices Abroad” by Tchlinghirian & Stephen, which was later updated by “The Austrian Post Offices in the Levant “ by Hans Smith.
All agreed that the members had successfully presented a very wide range of fascinating displays of material, each following up their own specialist interests with great enthusiasm. 

Julian Bagwell - “Cricket” 
26th June 2024
Ian, Chairman warmly welcomed the 10 people present, including our Guest Speaker Julian, as well as other visiting members from Maidenhead and Oxford Philatelic Societies.  Ian said he was delighted to welcome visitors, which he hoped would lead to reciprocal visits to other Societies, boosting attendance levels for all concerned. Apologies from several of our own society members were given, including the shocking news that Colin Richards had fallen and lay unaided for 4 days before being taken into hospital.  A ”Get Well” card was signed by all.  Anne’s request for members to express interest in a July club social pub lunch had not yet gathered sufficient support, but Ian asked her to send out a new date to restart the process.  Tonight’s presentation by Julian Bagwell was sadly the last of our current year’s programme.
Julian began his presentation with a letter dated 1829 from the Hackney cricket club, interested in buying a marque for their cricket ground.  He displayed a wide range of postal materials featuring the MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club) showing how their distinctive logo had changed very little over a long time.  The club possessed a famous full-length portrait of W G Grace, wearing a scarlet and gold MCC cap standing at the wicket in front of the old Real Tennis Courts at Lord's Ground, painted by British painter and illustrator Archibald Stuart-Wortley.  Julian showed a postcard of this portrait, and correspondence signed by WG Grace, advising that all such items now fetched very high prices.
Julian then took us on a whirlwind tour of the “Colonies” with cricket inspired postal items, including:
Australia with its own MCC - Melbourne Cricket Club
Bermuda, featuring correspondence with Major B E Evans, who went on the edit Stanley Gibbons Monthly 
Hong Kong- purchase of “Jacques of London” Cricket bats
India – the first Rocket mail from ship to shore 1934 to the Island of Saugor Island, near Calcutta
Mauritius – Postcard promoting a cricket match on 14th July 1898 involving the East Indies Squadron
New Zealand- hosting the first inter-provincial cricket match between Auckland and Wellington in 1860
South Africa – Letters from Captain Francis Bowker, serving with the 2nd Hampshire Regiment, to his wife in April 1901 about a cricket match between the No. 2 General Hospital and Howitzer Redoubt cricket teams
USA - the first ever International Cricket match between USA and Canada September 1848
Julian then explored outside the Empire in “The Rest of the World” cricket inspired postal items, including 
The Netherlands - Amsterdam -Cricket Club postcards dated 1891
Germany - After Adolf Hitler's accession to power, von Tschammer was named Reichskommissar für Turnen und Sport (Reich Commissioner for Gym and Sports) of the German Sports Office. Von Tschammer promoted the English game of cricket! Ian showed correspondence about cricket with the Stuttgart Branch of the Institute for Physical Exercise
Julian expanded his themes to include County Cricket, with Derbyshire CC letter dated 1907 and Surrey Cricket Club dated 1934.  Club cricket included Basingstoke CC postcard dated 1897.  Manufacturing companies often formed cricket clubs in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.  Julian showed a typical example of a game arranged between the two firms of N Hingley & Sons Netherton Iron Works vs Rowland Priest Engineers in 1933. 
Members were surprised to hear that Ephemera cricket labels were rapidly rising in value, with Julian showing a very valuable pre–WW1 German example produced by Adolf Molling & Co of an Elephant playing cricket.  He asked us to check our unwanted stock books when we returned home for any similar examples.
Julian’s presentation ended with the Post Office’s centenary issue of cricket stamps in 1973, featuring 3 stamps, 3d, 7 ½ d, 9d.  The Test and County Cricket Board created a First Day cover issue from 17 First Class Counties and the MCC, bearing the name of the County and logo, including a picture of W G Grace’s famous full-length portrait. Naturally, Julian has collected all 17 First day Covers!
Julian’s excellent presentation was described by one of our visiting Society members as “Cultural Philately”, which seemed a very appropriate description.  Julian was warmly thanked by our Chairman Ian and all present for providing us with a fascinating evening’s display.  

Members Display: “Rivers” 
12th June 2024
Ian, Chairman welcomed the 5 members gathered to present on the theme of “Rivers”.   Apologies were received from Anne, Mike, Brian & Jill.  Malcom was last heard of cutting down a tree in France!  Forthcoming events include a presentation evening on 26th June by Julian Bagwell. Members were reminded to reply to Anne, who was attempting to organise a social supper in mid to end July.
Ian began the evening’s presentation with a presentation on Argentinian Rivers, stating that the widest river in the world is Río de la Plata or River Plate, formed by the confluence of the Uruguay and Paraná rivers, and it empties into the Atlantic Ocean.  It flows through Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.  He proceeded to show stamps featuring the Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay rivers with their fleets of merchant ships. 
Extending the theme of Rivers allowed Ian to show stamps featuring Bridges and Tunnels.  Rosario-Victoria or Our Lady of Rosario-Bridge is Argentina’s longest bridge.  The Rosario-Victoria Bridge is a significant link between the cities of Rosario and Victoria, celebrated with its commemorative stamps
Ian returned to the River Plate to show a stamp depicting the event on 25 December 1907, when Jorge Newbery and Aarón Anchorena crossed the Río de la Plata in the balloon El Pampero before landing in Conchillas, Uruguay.
Finally, Ian presented a set of highly coloured stamps featuring Club Atlético River Plate, commonly known as River Plate.  We learnt that this Argentine professional sports club was based in the Belgrano neighbourhood of Buenos Aires.  Founded in 1901, the club is named after the English name for the city's estuary, Río de la Plata and despite the British-Argentine war over the Falkland Islands, this English name has remained to date.
Collin made a surprise entrance, holding a beautiful picture painted by a lady artist whilst in Cornwall.  She has painted a scene of a river leading to a mountain with castle fictionally based in France, using the inspiration of St Michael's Mount, which is found off the coast of Marazion, Cornwall.  Collin encouraged us to use our imagination whilst enjoying the river scene, relevant to tonight’s theme.  We were saddened to hear that Collin’s health is not so good, as he awaits a prognosis in coming weeks.  He was warmly thanked for his contribution.
Terry gave a display of South African stamps which helped explain the background and the creation of the Orange River Colony 1900 to 1910.  He explained that the Orange river was the longest river in South Africa at over 1,500 miles long, rising in Lesotho region and flowing west into the Atlantic coast.  The river was discovered by Dutch explorers, who gave it the title Orange after the Dutch Royal  “House of Orange”.  Early British Cape of Good Hope postage and revenue stamps were displayed. 
In the 1830’s Dutch Boers became dissatisfied with British rule and crossed North over the Orange River to settle lands that became known as Orange Free State.  Their first stamps were issued in 1868, printed by De La Rue, featuring an Orange tree.  Numerous reprints and overprinting of values took place over the following 30 years due to shortages, with forgeries common.  The Boer Wars started in 1899, leading to an British occupation, marked by an overprint on all Orange Free State stamps with  VRI (Victoria, Queen and Empress – in Latin: Victoria Regina Imperatrix)
In 1900 this region was designated as Orange River Colony, with an overprint on Cape of Good Hope stamps.  After Queen Victoria’s death, the overprint ERI for King Edward was used until the publication in 1903 of his image on Orange River Colony stamps with a wide range of Postal and Revenue values.  1910 saw the colony joining in with Cape of Good Hope, Natal, and Transvaal to form the Union of South Africa with a series of new stamps issued. Existing Orange River Colony Revenue stamps continued to be used for many years. 
Steve gave a display from Norway of various rivers and canals.  The Göta Canalis a part of a waterway 390 km (240 mi) long, linking a number of lakes and rivers to provide a route from Gothenburg on the west coast to Söderköping on the Baltic Sea via the Trollhätte canal and Göta  river, through the large lakes Vänern and Vättern.  Steve displayed a set of stamps dated 1979 celebrating the canal. 
Steve then displayed stamps celebrating the Øresund or Öresund Bridge, which is a combined railway and motorway cable-stayed bridge across the Øresund strait between Denmark and Sweden.  It is the second longest bridge in Europe with both roadway and railway combined in a single structure, running nearly 8 kilometres (5 miles) from the Swedish coast to the artificial island Peberholm in the middle of the strait.  The crossing is completed by the 4-kilometre (2.5 mi) Drogden Tunnel from Peberholm to the Danish Island of Amager.
Finally, Steve showed stamps depicting the Kylling Bridge, which is a railway bridge in Rauma Municipality in Møre og Romsdal county, Norway.  The bridge crosses the Rauma River near the village of Verma in the upper part of the Romsdalen valley.  The bridge is part of a double horseshoe curve that allows the railway to pass a narrow and steep section of the valley.  It is one of the most photographed railway bridges in Norway. 
Simon explained that up to last week, he had no display on rivers to present.  At a recent stamp exhibition, he happened to purchase a beautifully prepared presentation on British Guina River stamps, which fitted the theme for tonight’s presentation perfectly.  Simon displayed wonderful material showing the main river routes used to deliver mail, with local Travelling River Postmarks (TPO) postmarks, including
The lower Demerara River 
The Upper Demerara River
The Essequibo Estuary
The Pomeroon River
Each river route had a series of local postmarks with dates ranging from 1883 to 1933 and a map of the river route. All agreed that it was a most meticulous display, although Simon said he took no credit other than purchasing from an owner who wanted it to go to a good home.
Bob made a surprise appearance, informing members that he had decided to abandon all his stamp interests, donating various items of equipment to members.  He was warmly thanked for his support for the society over recent years.  

Zoom Presentation by Janet and Nick Nelson
“Ifni—A Little Known Spanish Colony”
29th May 2024
Henley resumed its fifth Wednesday of the month Zoom programme with an entertaining talk by the Nelsons, who will be returning in person later this year to give a presentation on Brazil.
7 club members took part and were joined by a number of welcome guests from other clubs and associations.  It was very good to see Jill Turner able to join us again, from the comfort of home.
After a few amusing setbacks and one viewer having to resort to Windows XP to get online, Janet and Nick got cracking on the evening’s subject.  Ifni can be found nestling between Idar and India in my ancient 1974 SG catalogue.  It is one of those convenient philatelic subjects that has a beginning and an end (1941-1968) and the bulk of whose stamps are catalogued at minimum price (5p).  In fact, the presentation was born out of a bet, the object being to put together a display for less than £20.
Geographically, Ifni is, for it is still on the map as Sidi Ifni, on the north west African coast just opposite the Canary Islands.  It has a chequered history of French, Spanish and Moroccan interests, but became a Spanish Colony in 1934, under an agreement with the local Berbers.  To avoid accusations of colonialism, it became a Spanish Province between 1958 and 1969, before being ceded to Morocco by virtue of the Retrocession Treaty signed in Fez.
In the early years, Spanish stamps were used overprinted with “Territorio de Ifni” or just “IFNI”.  These were succeeded by bilingual stamps printed in Spanish and Arabic, which were of no use to the locals who spoke neither language, preferring to converse in Berber.
Ifni stamps tend to have FNMT printed on the border – Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre. 
The Nelsons praised the quality of the later Ifni stamps, but lamented the rarity of them on cover, not surprising as the locals could neither read nor write.  It is not unusual for covers to have mixed Spanish and Ifni postage.  Some covers were displayed, as well as first day covers.  One letter displayed was sent unstamped under official mail by an unscrupulous government official.  It was intended for his girlfriend and the contents were so intimate that they could not be read out, as they say, in a family newspaper.

During the Spanish possession, Ifni was converted from little more than a tented encampment to a small town in Spanish style.  The postcard above depicts the central square set out for the traditional evening paseo.  The very shallow shore made disembarking difficult.  A remarkable piece of engineering was depicted on this 1967 stamp.  A large block of concrete was set 550 metres off the shore, topped by cranes which could unload a ship.  A cable way to the shore could transfer passengers and cargo.

Members’ evening  ”Lands of the Pacific Ocean” 

8th May 2024

Ian, Chairman welcomed the 7 members gathered to present on the theme of the Pacific Ocean.  Forthcoming events include the AGM 22nd May and a zoom meeting on 29th May.  A committee meeting was scheduled for 16th May when future events would be planned, 
Malcolm began the evening’s presentation with a fascinating display illustrating the Inca route down the west coast of South America.  A map for the period 1779 -1810 showed the Viceroyalty of Quito and New Granada with the road hugging the Pacific Coast line down the western side of South America.  The Inca road system known as Qhapaq Ñan, meaning "royal road" in Quechua, was the most extensive and advanced transportation system in pre-Columbian South America.  It was about 40,000 kilometres (25,000 miles) long! Malcolm then showed an amazing display of stamps that were used to send mail along this road system, beginning with Ecuador, where local ½ and 1 Real value stamps were printed in 1865, engraved by Manuel Rivadeneira and his daughter Emilia.  A later higher value of 4 reals were used for larger parcels from 1886.  Very rare examples of postal history with letters,  packets  and newspaper wrappers from this period were displayed. 
Godfrey gave a very interesting presentation on the propaganda stamps published by the Polish Navy in exile in Great Britain, following the German Invasion of Poland in 1938.  Under International Law, Polish ships that that evaded capture by Germany were classified as Polish Territory, allowing the Government in exile to produce their own stamps, printed by Bradbury & Wilkinson in 1941 and 1943.  An overprint in 1944 celebrated the capture of the monastery at Monte Cassino.  Godfrey explained that each stamp had a cancellation number mark denoting which Polish ship had supplied the mail.  However, there were more cancellation numbers that actual Polish ships, suggesting that the Polish Government were exaggerating their strength to fool the Germans.  A different fate awaited solders from the Polish Army who fled to France and then crossed to Switzerland, where they were granted special stamps to use when posting mail from their internment camps.
Terry then gave a display of New Zealand Revenue stamps.  He explained that in the 1860’s , the New Zealand economy was rapidly expanding, fuelled by waves of immigration and the discovery of gold mines.  The NZ Government were keen to produce their own revenue stamps to enhance income.  They commissioned an engraver in Sydney, arranging for printing in Wellington, NZ, but had insufficient paper for printing the stamps.  The very rare Chalon postage stamp paper was therefore used for the emergency initial die 1 printing issued on 1 January 1867.  A noticeable error in the stamp engraving led to Die 2 being produced in 1872.  Terry showed all the values of Die 2 from 1d to £1, including significant variation in colours due to the instability of the pigments used at the time.  These stamps were replaced in 1880 by the QV Long type, engraved by W.R.Bock and the design remained unchanged for the next 51 years.
Ian gave a display of Argentinean stamps, despite Argentina not being on the Pacific Coast!  He showed a series of commemorative stamps symbolising fraternal relationships with Argentina, including: 
Chile- “Ayuda A Chile” from 1903, plus “Christ The Redeemer”
Mexico vs Argentina in 1986 World Cup
Japan 1988 “100 years of friendship”
Bangkok, Thailand , Exhibition Mundial de Filatelia 2003
Singapore, Exhibition Mundial de Filatelia 2004
Beijing, China, Exhibition Mundial de Filatelia 2009
Vietnam 2008 
Rusia 2016, “Comparartiendo Tradiciones”, 
USA citizens including Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln,  Roosevelt &  J F Kennedy
Steve gave a display from Norway, despite it also not having a Pacific Ocean border.  He explained how the Norwegian explorer, Thor Heyerdahl, sailed 8,000 km (5,000 miles) in 1947 across the Pacific Ocean from South America to the Tuamotu Islands in a hand-built raft to prove that ancient people could travel such distances.  He later led an expedition in 1955-56 to investigate the origin of the sculptures in Easter Island.  Steve showed stamps issued in 2014 commemorating 100th years anniversary of Thor Heyerdahl.
Steve also showed a letter bought on eBay, which he believed was sent from China to Norway in 1785.  The language turned out to be Italian.  Seeking the assistance of an Italian Librarian, the subject of the letter was identified as the production of rice and the letter was sent within Italy between Venice and Ro-vigo.   Steve admitted that it was too late for him to claim a refund.
Anne showed us more of her Thematic displays on Gold, featuring Australia, where flakes of gold were discovered in 1823 at Bathurst, New South Wales, heralding the 1st Gold Ruch into the country.  Later Gold was also found in 1851 Benigno Creek, 1852 at Ballarat and Satwell and 1872 at Charters Towers Gold Mine, Queensland.  An illustrated display of the “Eureka Stockade” 1854 showed miners from Ballarat angry about having to pay a licence fee to search for gold, which led to the fee being abolished in 1855.  Illustrated Picture postcards, postal history including “Minister of Mines” mail from these era’s showed Gold mines and their workings.  Anne also showed mail from Wau, New Guinea in 1922 where the Morobe Goldfield was discovered, also leading to a Gold Rush!
Anne continued her display with Health Stamps from New Zealand.  The first Health stamp was approved by the Government in October 1929.  The stamp was assigned a postage rate of 1d postage and a charity value of 1d.  At the suggestion of the Health Department, it was decided that the proceeds of the charity value were to be donated to establish Children's Health Camps.   The stamps were then issued very year to 2016.  Anne’s beautifully presented display included the famous example of the Smiling Boys, from 1931.  The two stamps became known as the "blue boy" and the "red boy."  Perhaps they are the most well-known health stamps, certainly the most valuable, due to their scarcity. 
Malcolm concluded the evening by returning to the Inca route down the west coast of South America, from the Andes to Impales, carrying a well-developed mail system.  This area belonged to the Viceroyalty’s of Peru and Nueva Granda until the gradual disintegration of the Spanish Empire.  Until 1768, the Carvajal Family operated a monopoly where all mail had to be pre-paid.  To the contrary, the Spanish Royal mail system only allowed for payment at the time of posting.  Following the reversion of the monopoly to the Crown, both types of mail were allowed:
FRANCA – pre-paid handstamp
DEBE- handstamp- requiring payment upon receipt
Malcolm gave examples of both types of mail, dating from 1800 to 1807, together with local town handstamps denoting the mail’s progress to its destination.  Mail continued to be delivered along these routes, despite the struggles for independence from Spain up to 1838.  Malcolm showed serval very rare manifests which described the volume of mail, often in very small quantities, which continued to be delivered along these ancient routes. 

Albert Jackson—“Anschluss 1938 – German Occupation of Austria”

24th April 2024

Ian welcomed Albert Jackson and his wife to the meeting where Albert was to present the evening’s display on ”Anschluss 1938 ”.  Ian also passed on the apologies from members who were not able to attend and made us aware of subjects for the next few meetings.
Albert started by explaining the meaning of the word ‘Anschluss’:
“Anschluss, political union of Austria with Germany, achieved through annexation by Adolf Hitler in 1938.  Mooted in 1919 by Austria, Anschluss with Germany remained a hope (chiefly with Austrian Social Democrats) during 1919–33, after which Hitler's rise to power made it less attractive anti-Semitic graffito.”
He then explained the political situation in Austria after the end of the WWI and that the first government was a coalition between the far left to the far right.  All three parties shared power equally at the start. 
There was a high degree of discussion on how different provinces would have the opportunity to become independent and these areas produced provisional sets of stamps before a plebiscite and external political pressures.
In 1934 Dullfuss from the Christian Socialist took control and acted generally as a strict Dictatorship.  He was able to enforce his control by using the support of the Homeforce.  This situation was brought to the knowledge of the rest of Europe when there was a General Strike and the Homeforce was used to overthrow the unions and this initiated a riot in which buildings were set on fire.
Generally at this time Austria did not want to be part of Germany and to remain an independent country, but with the political pressures from other parties, Dulfuss had invoked an unstable situation in which a coup happened and concluded in him being killed.
Much of this talk was illustrated with propaganda postcards, photographs and postal covers.
In 1938 Chancellor Schuschnigg was invited to visit Germany by Adolf Hitler and was pressurised into having a plebiscite to join Germany.  Hitler threatened an invasion and massed his troops on the border.  On his return he announced that there would be a referendum on a possible union with Germany but maintaining Austria's sovereignty to be held on 13 March and pressured Schuschnigg to resign.
Second Half
On 12th March the troops march in; there was no resistance and so no blood shed.
At this early stage the Germans were able to send and receive field post and it developed to a stage to become the system used in WWII.
Albert was able to show a vast amount of propaganda material used to influence the vote.  Most of it very interesting and humorous but a little was cynical and showed the German antisemitic feelings held in Nazi Germany.
All of this was illustrated well with photographs, postcards and postal material.
All of this material showed that there would only be one result from the plebiscite and was YES…JA!!
We all know what happened next……….WWII.
We all had a good evening experiencing an interesting talk and display. 

Dr Tim Dexter- Queensland, including Moretown Bay and Railway Travelling Post Offices

10th April 2024

Ian, Chairman welcomed the visiting speaker, Dr Tim Dexter and 13 members and guests.  He advised that forthcoming events included a presentation by Albert Jackson “Anschluss—The German Occupation of Austria in 1938”, on 24th April, Members’ Evening “Lands of the Pacific Ocean” on 8th  May and a Committee Meeting 9th May.  There were 2 vacancies to fill- President and Chairman.  The recent auction had produced a welcome £400 profit for the Society and members were thanked for all their contributions to such a successful event.  Ian also updated members on the health of Jill, whom has been in hospital for some time, but was slowly improving.  A card was signed by all members present and our best wishes for her recovery were given to her husband Brian.
Tim began his presentation by introducing the state of Queensland, which at 1,727,000 sq. kilometres was 8 times the size of Great Britain.  Sparsely populated by nomadic Aboriginals, the area had been unvisited by Europeans until Captain Cook’s voyage along the East Coast of Australia, when he claimed possession of the continent in the name of King George III.  Moretown Bay was the site of the 1st penal colony established in 1824, giving its name to the whole District until its separation from New South Wales in 1859 and the creation of its new name, Queensland.
Tim explained that his interest in Moretown / Queensland had been sparked by a legacy gift of 3 sheets of stamps from his late uncle and he had been obsessively collecting this specialist area ever since over the last 40 years.  He apologised that his presentation would only feature postage stamps and postal history, not including revenues and postal stationary, which were an additional area of great complexity.  It quickly became apparent that no apology was needed for his presentation, which was to cover all aspects of postage stamps in forensic detail, with many examples considered unique.  Tim’s Large Gold medal on display seemed fully deserved!  
The penal colony of Moretown Bay understandably did not generate much postage, but Tim showed rare examples of mail delivered to nearby Brisbane by visiting ships, including the unique pre-stamp “Maryborough Cover” relating to J Mactaggart’s lengthy journey from Campbeltown, Scotland.  The population had begun to grow, fuelled by the combination of the Highland Clearances and the discovery of Gold in the region.
While it was still part of New South Wales, Post Offices were opened in Brisbane (1834) and in White (1842).  New South Wales stamps were used up to and for a short period after Queensland becoming a Colony in December 1859, separating from New South Wales.  Tim explained that the local postal authority was ill-prepared for this situation, requesting that New South Wales simply send them their stamps until such time as new stamps could be designed and printed.  Examples were shown of rare NSW Stamps on cover identified with local Queensland cancellation numbers and date stamps which identified their use within the new Queensland territory.  This Queensland “Provisional Period” received 8 such sets of stamps and is greatly sought after. 
The first Queensland stamps were issued on 1 November 1860, with Chalon vales 1d, 2d, 6d, printed by Perkins Bacon, imperforate at first and then perforated on large star watermarked paper.  Tim explained that imperforate examples were best displayed as multiples, to avoid the suspicion of being trimmed perforated forgeries.  The display of scarce materials included Plate proofs and 1d Perkins Bacon retouch examples.  
The long distance and lengthy delivery time between England and Queensland prompted the request from Queensland to print their own stamps.  Perkins Bacon were asked to send over plates, paper and ink for local printing under the control of Thomas Ham, engraver.  The first “Ham Printings” in 1863 were made on local soft unwatermarked paper with vertical perf. 13 vs horizontal perf. 12.5.  Variations on compound perforations, colours and flaws make this a very collectable period.  The introduction of watermarked paper was soon insisted upon by the authorities, also adding to the complexity of this material. 
Queensland’s strong sunshine soon faded the stamps’ colours from this early period.  The “Mayfair” discovery of a large cache of stamps, many in blocks, acquired by a collector and then promptly hidden away for 100 years, until its discovery in a London attic, caused great excitement due to their original colours remaining intact.  Tim showed examples of blocks from this sought after “Mayfair” collection. 
1879 saw Queensland’s first attempt to produce surface printed stamps on a side face design.  From a single engraved die, one or more blocks of 4 impressions were made, each impression retouched and identifiable within the block of 4.  This was then copied using electroplating to make a plate of 30 blocks of 4 stamps.  The process creates multiple small and a few larger flaws allowing plating of the stamps, a complex subject in which Tim showed great interest and expertise.  An added area of interest was the use of ill-suited paper on these initial surface printings, leading to the use of paper with a Burele pattern printed on the reverse.  Subsequent printing of higher value 2 shilling and 5 shillings in addition to the 1d new duty stamp with the new plume crown watermark paper, all replete with flaws, have added to collectors’ interest. 
The 2nd side face was issued in 1882 using the new Ridgeway Head die with the same 4 stamp electrotype plate method for 1d, 2d and 6d, with 4d.  The 1 shilling was issued the next year in 1883.  Tim’s extensive display even included the original die, engraved by William Ridgeway, which had been rejected in favour of improved lettering and an unblemished Queen’s appearance.  The 3rd Side face was issued in 1890, also accompanied by complex perforations.  Tim’s specialist interest in plating reared again with both the 2nd and 3rd side face issues having numerous combinations of dies and positions, together with marginal line watermarks.
Tim then introduced the subject of Railway Travelling Post Offices (TPO), where mail could be handed into railways guards for sorting and cancellation re-route, with special markings applied.  The railways were built to facilitate the movement of goods to and from the coastal ports with the hinterland, rather than to connect population across the continent, leading to route confusion.  Tim gave the amusing example of the original Great Northern line which had to be renamed the Central line after another Northern line was built!  Careful examination of the town cancellation marks and dates was needed to accurately place the exact railway company used.   Over 10 separate railway lines were displayed, each with their own postal markings.  The Chillagoe Railway & Mining Company, known as the Cairns Railway, caused great interest due to its gold mining connections.
The advent of frequent air travel across the continent soon meant that TPO mail was considered far too slow and so TPO marked mail, bearing the railway company’s cartouche, became quite scare and more collectible.  Of additional interest was the separate postage arrangements for parcel post, with different cancellations from letter post.  Tim showed examples where the wrong cancellation marks had been applied either way, due to the proximity of parcel and letter post offices, often inside railway stations. 
In 1901 Queensland was federated into the Commonwealth of Australia and continued to use its own stamp until Australian stamps were issued in 1913.

David Winnie—”The Bailiwick of Guernsey” 

27th March 2024

Malcom welcomed David Winnie FRPSL, Chairman, Channel Islands Specialists’ Society, presenting the evening’s display on ”The Bailiwick of Guernsey”.  David explained that the Channel Islands name covers both Jersey and Guernsey, with their associated islands, but that the two have been historically separate states with their own unique laws and customs since 1290!  The Bailiwick of Guernsey comprises of Guernsey, Herm, Alderney and Sark.  Guernsey is the largest with just over 60,000 people, Alderney has 2,200, Sark only 600, with the tiny Herm Island barely populated outside of the main tourist season.  With such low populations, it is indeed such a wonder that the islands have such an illustrious and collectable postal history, as David went on to reveal.
Gurnsey’s postal system was formalised on 28 March 1794 through a British Act of Parliament.  This established the Guernsey Post Office, with Ann Watson appointed its first postmistress.  She operated from her home in St Peter Port High Street.  David went on to describe over 21 post offices and sub-post offices.  He wanted to list them alphabetically, which would give him to opportunity to introduce many facets of postal social history, including: 
Bray Road- opened in 1937 but closed during the German Occupation Feb ‘43 to August 47.
Camp Du ROI opened 11th September 1935, where Postmistress Mrs Eva White combined selling postage stamps with her White’s grocery store.  David pointed out errors on the exceedingly rare date stamp showing incorrect lettering. 
Catel – opened in 1850 with early examples of parcel post labels displayed, dating from 1896 and 1903.
COBO – opened in 1837 and still open, with as display of the only recoded use of a rubber skeleton date stamp 28th Nov 1912.  David explained that the postmaster was also selling fruit and vegetables to supplement his meagre income.  A bread rationing transfer form dated 23rd June 1942 at COBO showed 4 local residents having to suffer a reduction in their weekly bread allowance due to wartime rationing.
L’Islet – opened in 1888 and still open, with its famous Marketplace location of the J H Parsons florist and Fruiter shop, featuring a post box in the wall adjacent to the shop.  David explained that the traditional Chanel Islands business of growing and selling both flowers and vegetables had sadly declined in recent decades.  A Registered Post label and envelope dated 1889 was considered the earliest know example. 
St Andrews- opened on 2nd April 1887, with an annual salary of £5 granted to Thomas Guilbert, who opened the sub post office in his home and grocery store on Les Buttes, Rue Frairie.  David showed a Telegram form, explaining that the Telegraph system had been extended to St Andrews by 30th June 1891, having been allocated the code SAV for its exclusive use.  David also pointed out that a 20mm circular steel date stamp was provided by the Post Office in London in May 1887, with very few examples known.  He showed a date stamp of September 1897 with the  rare Code A inserted.
St Martins – Operated during the occupation.  David explained that Channel Islanders were allowed to send letters within each Island, subject to censorship.  Mail was also allowed to be sent from Guernsey to Jersey and vice versa.  This service could use British stamps.  However further supplies of English stamps could not be obtained from London during the Occupation period.  The printed matter rate during the Occupation was 1d.  By December 1940, stocks of the 1d stamps at Guernsey Post Offices were nearly exhausted, so the Post Office in Guernsey authorized the bisecting of GB 2d stamps for the 1d rate.  This was only allowed between 27 December 1940 and 22 February 1941.  No other value could be bisected.  David showed a very rare example of a bisected 2d stamp cancelled 27th December 1940 on the first day at St Martin’s post office.  He also showed Guernsey stamps printed locally on blue French Banknote paper due to the shortages during the occupation.
St Peters – opened 1852 and still open.  It had changed its name 3 times over its life: to St Peters in the Woods and then to St Peters du Bois!
St Sampsoms – The 2nd largest post office - designated (SCM) with the earliest know examples of parcel post labels, including a fascinated example of 4 Shillings parcel post to USA dated November 1923.  A telegram addressed to Ginger Rogers, USA was of great interest.
St Saviours – Opened in 1906, following a campaign by residents requesting a new local service, but had been rejected by the London Authorities for several years previously.  Examples of Guernsey ½ d local stamps printed on blue French banknote paper, post marked April 1942
The Vale – Also remained open throughout the occupation, with examples of 2d bisected staps dated on the 1st day of posting 27th December 1940
David explained that during the German Occupation, all residents of Alderney were relocated, and this island’s infrastructure was virtually destroyed due to extensive German fortifications against a potential British invasion.  Alderney is the most Northern Channel Island, only 3 square miles size, with a bleak, most windswept environment, characterised by bent trees, shaped by the strong winds.  David’s display of Alderney included:
First Post Office was officially opened in 1843.  Prior to this, Sir John Doyle, Governor of Guernsey arranged mail between his scouts on his personal boats during 1812 to 1815.  David showed a very special letter addressed to Alderney dated 20th April 1815 with 2d postage which was considered unique.  He added that it had been very expensive for him to purchase!
John Tilbury was appointed the first postmaster on 8th April 1848 aged 61, a widower and watchmaker.  His 17-year-old daughter was appointed his assistant.
Between 1899 and 1902, the British Army fought a bitter colonial war against the Boers in South Africa.  Alderney was selected as a staging post for the Royal Engineers enroute to Port Elisabeth and the Cape of Good Hope.  The Royal Engineers had their own special cancellation cache.   A postcard written entirely in morse code, including the delivery address, had been understandably surcharged by the local post office.
The Alderney post office re-opened after occupation on 21st September 1945, after suffering extensive damage by the Germans.
The first post office was opened in 1857.  Prior to this, due to its spare population, post had been delivered by local fishermen who would leave letters in fish boxes on the shore. 
A letter dated 28th February 1858 from Maria Harvey addressed to her brother “Captain Jack Harvey, 25th Regiment, Gibraltar or elsewhere” is believed to be the earliest date known example, bearing perfect strike date stamps from Sark, Guernsey and London
In the summer of 1905, the Post Office introduced a new guide “allowing for the conduct of a person to an address accompanied by an express messenger”.  Mr Henry Turner of Guernsey decided to test these new regulations by posting himself from Guernsey to Sark.  The local press report that he presented himself at the Smith Street Post Office, St Peter Port, and was accompanied at all times by an express messenger whilst being ferried to Sark and delivered to the Sark Post Office, whereupon he promptly made his return journey, having been photographed with the caption “The first man posted from Guernsey to Sark”
 Ian, Chairman, gave a vote of thanks to David for such a magnificent display of Postal History, with many examples of great scarcity.  David explained that he was fascinated by the story that a stamp and an envelope can reveal.  When asked why he had concentrated so much of his efforts on Guernsey and its islands, he revealed that he had amassed an even bigger collection of Jersey postal history, but there was not time tonight to display both collections. 

Sue  Burn - “Smithy, Australia’s Most Famous Aviator”

14th February 2024

 Ian welcomed the 6 members and 2 visitors, including Sue Burn to the meeting, featuring the “Smithy, Australia’s Most Famous Aviator”.
Ian opened by reminding us that the next meeting would be the viewing material for the Auction that is on 13th March.  We also noted that Bob and Terry were on holiday and that Jill and Malcolm were unable to attend due to illness.  We do hope both will make a quick recovery.

Sue started her talk by telling us how she first got the bug for collecting stamps and how she then was lead to ephemera collecting relating to Aviation.  It did help that she grew up in Bristol and saw Concorde develop near home.
Sue was able to display information on Charles Kingsford Smith (Smithy) a pioneer pilot from the first world war who then went on to make many firsts in flying, including flying from Australia to the USA.
Sue described how powerful the motivation was to deliver the mail around the globe in the quickest way (the mail took precedence over passenger).  Smithy was one of the men who was trying to get the Australian contract to deliver the mail: the trouble was that he was a small operator competing with government supported companies.
Like many pioneers and explorers, he relied on another to do the organisation and finances.  In this case it was Charles Ulm and like many others when this partnership broke up the individual suffered. 
The display covered the whole span of life from the twenties to death, describing the highs and lows of both.
The materials displayed were many newspaper photographs, tickets for events, postal covers and even paper currency that had been autographed.